# Integration with `fzf` [`fzf`](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf) is an awesome and versatile fuzzy finder powering `zk`'s [interactive filtering mode](../notes/note-filtering.md). Besides the standard [`fzf` configuration options](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf) documented on its website, `zk` offers additional options you can set in the `[tool]` [configuration section](config.md). If you wish to customize more of `fzf` behavior, [please post a feature request](https://github.com/zk-org/zk/issues). ## Preview command You can customize the command used to preview a note with `fzf-preview`. The special placeholder `{-1}` will be expanded to the note file path. By default, `zk` uses `cat` for preview, which is a bit boring. A much better option would be to use [`bat`](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat) which supports syntax highlighting. ```toml [tool] fzf-preview = "bat -p --color always {-1}" ``` Or, if you prefer to preview more metadata, you can use a nested `zk` command. ```toml [tool] fzf-preview = "zk list --quiet --format full --limit 1 {-1}" ``` ## Line format With the `fzf-line` setting property, you can provide your own [template](../notes/template.md) to customize the format of each `fzf` line. The lines are used by `fzf` for the fuzzy matching, so if you want to search in the full note content, do not forget to add `{{body}}` in your custom template. The default line template is `{{style "title" title-or-path}} {{style "understate" body}} {{style "understate" (json metadata)}}`. Here's an example using different colors and showing the list of tags as #hashtags: ```toml [tool] fzf-line = "{{style 'blue' rel-path}}{{#each tags}} #{{this}}{{/each}} {{style 'black' body}}" ``` ### Template context The following variables are available in the line template. | Variable | Type | Description | | --------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `filename` | string | Filename of the note, including its extension | | `filename-stem` | string | Filename of the note without the file extension | | `path` | string | File path to the note, relative to the notebook root | | `abs-path` | string | Absolute file path to the note | | `rel-path` | string | File path to the note, relative to the current directory | | `title` | string | Note title | | `title-or-path` | string | Note title or path if empty | | `body` | string | All of the note content, minus the heading | | `raw-content` | string | The full raw content of the note file | | `word-count` | int | Number of words in the note | | `tags` | [string] | List of tags found in the note | | `metadata` | map | YAML frontmatter metadata, e.g. `metadata.description`1 | | `created` | date | Date of creation of the note | | `modified` | date | Last date of modification of the note | | `checksum` | string | SHA-256 checksum of the note file | 1. YAML keys are normalized to lower case. ## `fzf` options You can override the default `fzf` options used by `zk` with `fzf-options`. Look at `man fzf` for the list of available options. ```toml [tool] fzf-options = "--height 40% --border" ``` Note that this overrides all the default options used by `zk`, you might want to keep some of them: - `--tiebreak begin` Prefer matches located at the beginning of the line - `--exact` Look for exact matches instead of fuzzy ones by default - `--tabstop 4` Length of tab characters - `--height 100%` Height of the list relative to the terminal window - `--layout reverse` Display the input field at the top - `--no-hscroll` Make sure the path and titles are always visible - `--color hl:-1,hl+:-1` Don't highlight search terms - `--preview-window wrap` Enable line wrapping in the preview window ## Key bindings When running `fzf` with `zk edit --interactive`, you can [create a new note with the `Ctrl-E` key binding](../notes/note-creation.md#search-or-create-with-a-single-command). This binding is customizable with `fzf-bind-new`. You can also disable it by setting it to an empty string (`""`). ```toml [tool] fzf-bind-new = "Ctrl-C" ```