_images/zk-black-modern.png _images/screencast.svg

zk is a plain text note-taking tool that leverages the power of the command line.

Install as below and then… get zettling!



brew install zk

# Or, if you want to be on the bleeding edge:
brew install --HEAD zk


# Run zk from Nix store without installing it:
nix run nixpkgs#zk

# Or, to install it permanently:
nix-env -iA zk

Alpine Linux:

# `zk` is currently available in the `testing` repositories:
apk add zk

Arch Linux:

You can install the zk package from the official repos.

sudo pacman -S zk

Build from scratch:

Make sure you have a working Go 1.21+ installation, then clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/zk-org/zk.git
cd zk

On macOS / Linux:

./zk -h